Monday, April 28, 2008

04.28.2008 - My Love for the Bearded Ones

I don't know exactly what it is, but there's nothing I love more than a man with a full beard. About 95% of the men I'm strongly attracted to have them. Why would I want a man that's clean-shaven? Their stubble just gives me a rash around my mouth when I kiss them too hard, and if I really wanted someone that's truly clean-cut, I'd just date a girl. (Girls are great in their own right, but I'll save that topic for another post.)

Maybe it's because growing up, my dad (see right photo) always had a beard. I've always known him with a beard, and my dad is a very masculine, broody sort of man. There's not an ounce of femininity in him, really. He works outside all day as a crane operator through the heat, cold, sun, and rain - and never complains about his work. His motto and only piece of advice to me has always been "Work hard, save your money." Maybe beards, for me, signify stability, comfort, control, and agility.

However, I'm not completely comfortable with that idea, because it's a little too Freudian for my taste. Hrmm...

I think what I like most about beards is that they're a lot like shoes. You can tell a lot about a man by his beard. A man's personality is reflected in his beard (or lack thereof). You can guess his age, determine what his sense of humor is like, what his hobbies are, etc. I swear! Next time you're looking at a stranger with a beard, make a couple predictions about his hobbies (Does he climb rocks? Does he frequent the indie record store in the trendy part of town? Or does he just work in the cold?), and then strike up a conversation with him. You might be surprised at what you find!
(For the record, Damon's beard was removed on Friday, but I love him for more than just his facial hair.)

1 comment:

Katie L. said...

Are you biting his beard? lol