Wednesday, May 7, 2008

05.07.2008 - Let's Hope the Third Time's a Charm

I'm moving. Again. This will be the third time in seven months that I've moved!

I moved out of my quaint little one bedroom apartment in October to go live with my now ex-boyfriend. I loved that place! It was quiet and tiny and very me. I lived there for ten months, and it was probably the easiest and happiest ten months of my life. I made the most fabulous friends when I lived at that place, and hosted craft parties occasionally. No worries, no drama, just me, my friends, and my privacy.

From there, I moved in with Josh and his roommate, John. It was fun while it lasted, but the novelty wore off after a few months, and I realized I didn't want to be in the relationship anymore. Every day was filled with nothing but working and smoking pot. It became very sedentary and boring, and I didn't like who I was anymore.

I moved into the house I'm at now from there, in with Damon, Matt, and Brian. I love this house, I really do, and I love all the dudes that live here. Damon and I were planning on moving out of town to give the business we want to try a good start, but after much thought and consideration, I decided I'm way too young to settle down, and I'm just not ready to leave yet. A lot of things have gotten in the way of our move, and there's just too many signs that I shouldn't go yet. Obviously, something is keeping me here for now.

So now, I am going to be sharing a sweet apartment with my friend Suzy. I work with her, and she's an awesome gal. I've only had one female roommate, and that was a trainwreck, but this situation is different and I really think it will work. I love her two dogs, Schmuck and Bones, and Nugget already gets along with them. I'm very excited, and I'm going to start moving my stuff over there tomorrow. Unfortunately, we won't have internet access for a while, but that just means I'll have more time to read and sew!
Wish me luck, guys...

Monday, May 5, 2008

05.05.2008 - Bad Blogger

Oh, me, I am a bad blogger. I've actually been writing in another journal, but it's somewhat private information and I'm not one to publicly spew out all my personal details for the entire world to see, ya know?

I ended up getting some new tattoos on Friday! I finally got the other panda I wanted on the right side of my lower back (to go with the one on the left side) and I got Hello Kitty behind my left ear. I love them!

Friday night, I went to go see one of my favorite bands, Circa Survive, but one of the friends I met up with there ended up getting kicked out for something stupid, so I missed about 97% of their set. Oh well, friends are more important, right? I did get to see Thrice, and while I'm not a huge fan of theirs, their show was fun. They're talented people.

I've been working on more pillows for my Etsy store and a couple for some friends of mine. Keep a lookout for them!